Because of its attractive appearance, painting often isn't required. This product offers superior corrosion and oxidation protection at high temperatures and maintains its strength at temperatures up to 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. Aluminized steels can also be a cost effective alternative to stainless steel since they frequently maintain their appearance better in service than do 409-type stainless steels.
Primarily used for automotive applications, Usibor® is a group of aluminum-silicon coated press hardenable steels ranging from 1500 to 2000 MPa nominal tensile strengths. Usibor® enables customers to fabricate parts with complicated geometry at very high strength levels without formability or springback challenges. Typical applications include anti-intrusion and safety cage components, including bumper beams, door beams, rockers, pillars, roof rails and cross members. Combining Usibor® with Ductibor® 500 or Ductibor® 1000 into laser welded blanks offers several significant advantages, including weight savings, improved crash behavior and cost savings through material and manufacturing optimization.