ArcelorMittal Tubular Products in London, ON has a strong history of supplying high quality axle assemblies to various OEM platforms for both high and low volume programs. Their value-add solutions and strong design engagement differentiate AMTP from their competitors and contribute significant EBITDA to the group.
In the current environment, creative solutions are sometimes required even for the most conventional applications. Typically, AMTP works with the customer on the product definition and supplies the prototype assemblies for launch testing. This ensures the product requirements are tailored to the manufacturing capability and heads off any potential design concerns early in the program. It also allows for an ample supply of parts availability to prove out new equipment.
The Ford Warthog program is far from typical. AMTP was awarded the program late in the launch after prototype had been supplied by a competitor. AMTP will supply their first parts directly in the OEM product validations (PV) builds, while also managing a compressed build timing due to the late kickoff. It is a daunting task, but also an opportunity for innovation to shine.
CAD is great asset for designing the product but in many cases, a physical part can speak volumes. The right-hand 23 kg axle assembly is large: 800mm long with 7 brackets, a flange and a tube all welded together. The left-hand part shorter, but of similar complexity. We reached out to the customer to get some prototype parts, but they were in short supply. What are the options when you have no access to parts? You get creative.