Our strategy is designed to maintain our position as the world’s leading steel and mining company for the long-term, enabling us to deliver value to shareholders and all stakeholders through the cycle in a rapidly changing world, where material demand will continue to rise but an increasingly sustainable and circular economy will be required.

Operating through all parts of the value chain

Having seen the value in creating the only truly global steel and mining champion, we seek to maintain a leading position in attractive product-market segments in North America and worldwide through active portfolio management. We operate through all parts of the steel value chain, wherever we see opportunities to create value, leveraging scale and scope to maintain world-class operations that produce a wide range of steels for the mobility, construction, infrastructure, industrial and energy sectors.

R&D sets us apart

In North America and around the globe, our research and development team is relentlessly pushing both process and product innovation frontiers, inventing smarter steels to further enhance our product and service offerings to meet our customers’ evolving needs. Embracing digitalization across all our functions is enabling us not only to release value through efficiencies but to also transform the way we operate and in some cases change the very value chain itself. And taking advantage of steel’s unique ability to be completely reusable and recyclable, we are developing innovative processes that use less energy, emit less carbon, and reduce costs.

Financial flexibility

Maintaining a strong balance sheet provides the financial flexibility critical to ongoing investment in our existing asset base as well as enabling us to take advantage of opportunities to transform for the future,  ensuring long-term sustainability and consistent shareholder returns.

Our core asset: People

Our ability to successfully execute this strategy relies on our people. Recognizing our unique organizational DNA, we work to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit and passion for excellence that supported our growth and is key to our future success. And wherever we are in the world, the safety and wellbeing of our people is always our first priority.